Ruby Money tracks your expenses and eligible business write-offs

How does Ruby Money detect my write-offs?

Ruby Money uses AI and machine learning to scan the transactions from your linked bank account for potential write-offs.

If we are’t sure, we don’t label the transaction as a write-off. We encourage you to review your transactions to make sure things are marked correctly.

Where do I find my write-offs?

Click on the Expense card on your dashboard. This will take you to a list of all the expenses in your linked account. The total at the top represents all the expenses we have marked as likely to be write-offs.

How do I mark an expense as a write-off?

Click on a transaction.

When the menu appears click Mark as business expense. This will add the expense to your expense calculation.

How do I mark an expense as a personal expense?

Click on a transaction.

When the menu appears click Not a business expense. This will remove the expense from your expense calculation.