Manage your income with Ruby Money.

How do I handle transactions that are not 1099 income?

If you see a deposit or receive a notification for a transaction that is not taxable income, you can SKIP the transaction and we will not set aside funds from that deposit.

You can also delete deposits from the income detail screen in the app which will exclude these transactions from all taxable income calculations.

I see a deposit in my bank account, but it's not showing up in the Ruby app. What should I do?

First, check to make sure your deposit isn't blocked because of an income rule.

To check your income rules:

  1. To view or delete Income Rules:
  2. Select the Gear Icon on your dashboard
  3. Select Income Rules to view your set rules
  4. To delete a rule, select the Trash Icon to the right of the deposit name

If your deposit is still missing, send us a message at [email protected] for help. Please include as much information about the transaction as possible, including date, amount, and transaction name.

What are income rules, and how can I manage them?